Welcome – and please read on

This blog has been set up by Harry’s family to help create a lasting legacy to ‘pay forward’ all the love that has been shared with them since his sudden death at the age of 21 from a cardiac arrest triggered by Septic Shock (an acute form of Sepsis) on 20 February 2019.

The Harry Lownds Memorial Fund offers scholarship support in the form of a top-up maintenance grant to a graduate student at the University of Sussex whose personal circumstances might otherwise prevent them pursuing their studies for the Master of Science degree in Genetic Manipulation and Molecular Cell Biology.  So far over £40,000 has been raised allowing five students to receive scholarship to support their studies at Sussex.

Studying Genetics was Harry’s dream and he had planned to start this course in September 2019 following completion of his BSc in Genetics at Sussex.  Harry had a lifelong love of science which he expressed eloquently in his Personal Statement when he applied for a place at University (you can read it here “Harry’s Personal Statement“)

Donations to the fund can be made via the University of Sussex Alumni website or that of the American Friends of the University of Sussex, allowing UK taxpayers to claim Gift Aid and US taxpayers to deduct relevant taxes.  Links to both sites are below.  

If you are in the UK please donate here: University of Sussex

If you are in the US please donate here: Friends of University of Sussex   On the Friends website, please use the ‘special purpose’ box to specify that you would like your donation to be earmarked to the Harry Lownds Memorial Fund.

Please also feel free to use the ‘comments’ box on either site to pass on other messages, however Harry’s family can also be contacted directly by emailing: familylownds@gmail.com